Sit Down and Write–It’s Cheap Therapy!
If you haven’t discovered the benefits of writing, what are you waiting for? Writing can help us determine who we are and what we want. It reveals how we feel about difficult situations and helps us figure out what to do about them. As words materialize on a page, insight and clarity emerge.
You’ve probably had the experience of pouring out your frustrations in a letter or email when someone has made you angry or perhaps even broken your heart. Maybe you sent that message to the offender. But even if you didn’t, the very act of writing produced something valuable. It allowed you to explore your emotions and begin to move forward.
When gazing at a snowy mountain landscape or a stunning ocean sunrise, we’re inspired to pause and ponder our lives and the direction we’re travelling. Will the path we’re on take us where we want to go? Is it time for a change? Writing is equally inspiring. It can give us the courage to change our lives and reach our goals. And if you’re still not convinced writing is worth the effort, consider this: Writing reduces stress and makes us healthier human beings!